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The Wealth Defender

The Income Strategy That Gives Retirees a 'License to Spend'

Updated: Sep 19

Research finds that retirees with annuities spend twice as much as those with equivalent investment assets.

Information compiled and provided by The Wealth Defender

Financial professionals often view guaranteed annuities as a sacrifice of potential portfolio growth for income stability in retirement, but a new analysis fromretirement researchers David Blanchett argues that this perspective misses a much more important point.

That is, data shows, annuities in real life act less as a defensive tool for those afraid of running out of money and more as a “license to spend.” By shifting a portion of non-annuitized wealth into annuitized wealth, Finke and Blanchett find, the typical retiree could feel comfortable spending twice as much each year per dollar of accumulated savings.

“Economic theory provides both rational and behavioral explanations for under-spending among retirees with high non-annuitized wealth,” Blanchett and Finke write. “Rational risk-averse retirees will spend less because they don’t know how long they will live and face the risk of outliving savings.”

Retirees may also exhibit behavioral preference that make them more comfortable spending from income than spending from assets, the pair note. These people get used to seeing their asset pool grow over a lifetime of saving, and the mental transition to decumulation — however well planned and controlled — is a big behavioral hurdle to clear.

Ultimately, both rational and behavioral factors may contribute to lower spending among retirees who must fund a lifestyle with less guaranteed income. This should inspire annuity-skeptical advisors and their clients to rethink the potential role of guarantees in the pursuit of their desired retirement lifestyle.

Consistent Findings Over Time

The new paper builds on a prior analysis published by Finke and Blanchett in 2021, when they first coined the “license to spend” terminology. The researchers have updated the math and raised some new considerations based on more recent developments in the annuity and income planning arena.

As before, Finke and Blanchett find that retirees in general don’t spend nearly as much as they could from their investments, and subjective surveys of retirees suggest that many just don’t like the idea of seeing their nest egg shrink — even if a reluctance to draw down investment assets leads to a reduction in lifestyle.

“We find strong evidence that households holding a greater share of their wealth in guaranteed income spend more each year than retirees who hold more of their wealth in investments,” Finke and Blanchett write. “A household with a generous pension

and no savings will spend more than a retiree with enough savings to buy an annuity that provides the same income.”

By holding household wealth constant, the analysis shows that households are spending more not because they are wealthier— since financial assets can be converted to guaranteed income through actions such as delayed claiming of Social Security retirement benefits or purchasing an annuity. Rather, it is the form of the wealth they hold that affects spending in retirement.

Marginal estimates indicate that investment assets generate about half of the amount of additional spending as an equal amount of wealth held in guaranteed income, Finke and Blanchett find.

A Look at the Math

At the heart of the analysis is the fundamental tradeoff that unknown longevity presents. A retiree can either spend generously and risk outliving savings and experiencing a lifestyle disruption late in life — or can spend conservatively to minimize the risk of a shortfall. Retirees’ individual risk tolerance determines their willingness to accept shortfall risk.

“A risk-averse retiree will prefer to avoid a possible drop in future spending, and will spend less to ensure the longevity of their nest egg,” Finke and Blanchett write. “A risk tolerant retiree will accept the possibility of a shortfall and spend more in early retirement.”

The analysis considers a risk-averse retired opposite-sex couple with a high relative risk aversion against a much more risk- tolerant retired couple. Each holds a portfolio of bonds to fund spending in retirement with an expected return of 4%.

Based on traditional Monte Carlo planning projections, the risk-averse retired couple can maximize expected well-being in retirement by withdrawing 3.8% from their bond portfolio each year, while the risk-tolerant retiree will maximize expected utility by withdrawing 4.9% from the portfolio.

However, had each couple annuitized their savings at retirement, the average annual payout from the top five quotes available on CANNEX for a single premium immediate annuity for a joint couple at age 65 with a cash refund provision would be 6.3% (at the time the updated paper was written).

“By transferring longevity risk to an institution, for example a pension or an insurance company, they could spend between 29% (risk-tolerant) and 66% (risk-averse) more each year,” Finke and Blanchett write. “Spending less is the rational response of a risk-averse retiree to accepting the possibility of outliving savings.”

The depressed-spending effect measured is analogous to an executive who must maintain a large position in a single stock, according to Finke and Blanchett.“Their expected welfare is lower than an investor who can hold a well-diversified portfolio, because the executive faces greater portfolio volatility with no increase in expected return,” they explain. “Likewise, the transfer of longevity risk to an institution allows the retiree to, on average, live better by spending more each year than a retiree who fails to transfer this risk.”

In the end, the decision to turn savings into income, either by saving in an employer pension or by purchasing an income annuity, will give retirees a license to spend savings they might otherwise be tempted to preserve, according to Finke and Blanchett, despite only a modest desire to leave a bequest.

Other Key Conclusions

The results suggest that annuity payouts would need to be reduced by about 50% to eliminate the difference in added spending potential between non-annuitized and annuitized assets, according to Finke and Blanchett. This would imply a spending rate of approximately 3.7% from assets. “This is not too far from the income that could be generated from a portfolio during the period and is reasonably similar to

the often-noted 4% rule” the pair point out.

Additional research, Finke and Blanchett suggest, should explore some of the explanations for conserving wealth in retirement, including perceived health risks and the effect of spending habits. “The low rate of spending among retirees who hold wealth in investments rather than guaranteed income suggests that advisors can significantly improve retiree welfare by offering clients the opportunity to increase annuitized wealth through delayed Social Security claiming or through private income annuities,” they write.

“A conflict of interest may arise if clients with behavioral preferences are inclined to conserve wealth in retirement if they fail to annuitize, resulting in greater investable assets over time managed by an advisor at the expense of lower satisfaction and higher unintended bequests for the client,” Finke and Blanchett conclude.

  • Source: John Manganaro | June 28, 2024 | THINKADVISOR

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Withdrawing funds from the cash value of a life insurance policy may have negative effects on the death benefit and other features of the product. Any examples provided are for illustrative purposes only and is not guaranteed.This information is being provided only as a general source of information and is not meant to be legal or tax advice. It is not intended to be the primary basis for financial decisions and should not be construed as advice designed to meet the needs of an individual situation. Please seek the guidance of a professional regarding your specific financial needs. Consult with your tax advisor or attorney regarding specific tax or legal advice.


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